Third Molar (Wisdom Tooth) Extractions

Third molars (or wisdom teeth) may need to be removed for several reasons. If there is not enough space for them to fully erupt, it can lead to impaction. An impacted third molar can lead to a situation where bacteria get trapped behind the second molars and can cause serious infection and can cause damage to the bone on the back side of the second molars. Impacted third molars can possibly lead to the development of jaw cysts and tumors, as well. When impacted third molars are not causing any symptoms and there is no infection, we can elect to monitor their condition with x-rays.

Management during the teenage or young adult years usually has fewer risks and more predictable healing than later in life.

We offer IV sedation, which is where we place a small IV in your arm and then give you medications that help you relax and not remember the procedure. You have to take the day off if you choose to have IV sedation. You can’t have anything to eat or drink not he day of your procedure and you have to have someone who can drive you home and help take care of you after your procedure. Swelling usually gets worse for 2-3 days before it starts to go back down.