Because of the close relationship to the sinus, many times when a tooth is extracted it will leave a small communication between the mouth and the sinus.  It is important to follow these instructions.

o   Take the prescriptions as directed.

o   Use Afrin nasal spray twice a day for 3 days.

o   NO SMOKING – any smoking will dramatically reduce wound healing and will make the healing process much more difficult.

o   DO NOT blow your nose for 3 weeks.

o   Try not to sneeze with your mouth closed.  If you need to sneeze, open your mouth and let it all out.

o   Avoid activity that can cause increased pressure in your sinuses such as exercising, bending over, or straining.

o   DO NOT use a straw.

o   DO NOT spit vigorously.

o   Eat soft foods for several days.  You want to avoid sharp foods poking to area that is trying to heal.

o   DO NOT rinse vigorously.  You can start gentle rinses 48 hours after surgery.